My favorite character is Mike because he’s the tough guy and he takes the role of the leader in his crew. He gets the most respect out of all the youngsters in the show and he looks out for all the kids being picked on. He also takes the mature role of taking care of his brother because his parents have a drug problem. Another reason that he is my favorite because he doesn’t take crap from anyone, even the top man Marlo.
Namond (above) is my least favorite because he tries to be so tough but he really not but when someone is about to fight he changes up and makes an excuse not to fight or uses excuses for why he lost the fight. He doesn’t take after his dad at all. He is a fake.
I don't think that Namond's Dad (Wee-Bay) wanted for Namond to take after him. I feel this way because Wee-Bay persuaded Namond's mother, De'Londa to give up Namond for adoption so that he could have a life away from West Baltimore. In the end, I think Wee-Bay wanted his son to be able to escape the neighborhood.
Well, we didn't get to the episodes when Namond turned a corner and became good. His mom was pure evil, but I had a lot of respect for Wee-Bey to see outside his situation and realize that there was something better for his kid outside of the only world he had ever known. The scene where he is in jail and gets in the argument with Namond's mom about Namond's future was in a way one of the few "feel-good" scenes in the show.
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