Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Dr. Ali-Dinar Visits By Sulon Moody

University of Penn Professor from Sudan, Dr. Ali-Dinar, came to visit us as a guest speaker. At first we didn't know what to expect because there was no specific agenda for this visit. When he first came in there was no waiting, he jumped right into the conversation. First, he asked us our name, grade, and things we did after school. Then Dr. Dinar started by telling us his Grandfather was the last king of Sudan. He also told us a story of how he came over to America and how he had to get his PhD. Since most of the students/employees said that they played in a basketball league, Dr. Dinar said to get good grades on top of getting good at basketball so you can get into a good school. Lastly, he had time to answer some questions from the class most of us just asked us how life was in Sudan, if he has a family, and hold on he was when he got to America.


The Urban Youth Association on July 15, 2009 at 3:49 PM said...


Very true. I wish he had spoken more about the conflict in Darfur, like he did in the above Youtube video.
-Ms. Kristy

Anonymous said...

Great job Sulon! Maybe you can do a recap of a guest speaker we'll be having soon in our Write Change class?

Ms. Naomi

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